Thursday 13 December 2012

Who will get higher posts in Government service?

Getting a Government job is the crazy among the youngsters today. There are many senior Government jobs are filled up every year. Among the most prestigious senior Government positions are I.A.S, I.P.S, IFS, IRS and still many more.  The reason more young peoples are crazy with these positions are because of the salary, prestige, pride and other amenities they can avail once they are positioned in the higher posts. 

Generally these higher Government posts are filled up only through competitive examinations, and personal interview. Passing the competitive examination for the higher posts like IAS, IPS, IFS is not an easy job. Even if one has successfully passed the competitive examinations he/she has to successfully come out from the personal interview. 

So passing of these senior Government jobs requires intelligence both in academic as well as general knowledge. 

What astrology or horoscope says about for getting senior Government positions or who can get senior Government positions as per astrology or horoscope?

Generally the tenth house in the horoscope decides one's job. So the tenth house and its lord should be well positioned in the horoscope. The 10th lord and house should be associated with favorable planets and not viewed by unfavorable planets and should not have been positioned in the hidden places. Besides the tenth house and its lord the planet Sun and Mars should also been well positioned in the horoscope. These two planets are responsible for a man or woman to get Government jobs and also his/her personality to hold senior positions which require authority or command others from the senior positions they hold.  Planets Sun and Mars should not have been placed and associated with unfavorable planets and should not have lost their power in the horoscope. 

If the planets are positioned well as explained above then one can have easily get higher jobs or prestigious jobs in addition to their sincere efforts.

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