Thursday 3 January 2013

Leo zodiac sign horoscope general predictions

Persons who have born under the zodiac sign Leo are mostly courageous in all aspects. Women who have also born under this zodiac sign will also be courageous.

Women who have also birth sign Leo are very active and equal to men by their action. They never go back to their decision. The decision once taken will also be right and exact always. They always think on their own decision and never heed the advice of others.

Leo zodiac sign personalities will spend much for charitable causes. They always will have high thinking or noble thinking.

Leo birth sign peoples will mostly do their businesses or job connected with Government. They either work in the Government offices or doing businesses connected with Government like contractor, agents etc.

If your zodiac sign is Leo and you are not doing any business or job connected with Government then it must be due to the other planetary positions in your horoscope by their view, association and placement etc.

Leo zodiac sign men and women will have their father's support in all aspects of their life like job, business etc.

Leo birth sign peoples may be mostly affected with eye and heart diseases often.

The above horoscope predictions are general to the zodiac sign symbol Leo. The horoscope predictions will differ from person to person based on their horoscope and planetary positions in the horoscope.  

Only on the basis of personal horoscope of Leo zodiac sign peoples it can be predicted about their character, family life, economic condition, house construction or buying, relief from diseases, debts, marriage, litigation result, properties, type of business or job, foreign business or job or travel.

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